So Much Love

Sloan Photographers

I'm a sucker for anything cute, gorgeous, romantic, lovey-dovey, you name it. Ha, like you couldn't tell that about me already, right? Well, when I found these photos on Sloan Photographers blog I almost fainted in awe. The composition, colours, angles, the MODELS; everything about these images is pure and absolute bliss. I swear I have carpel tunnel from clicking and scrolling through each and every single shot. I couldn't resist sharing this eye candy with you as we head into the weekend.

Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers

Ok so these two need to be models ASAP. There isn't one picture where they look bad. Not one. I also love the headpiece Leisel's wearing made by the very talented Jenn Wood. If you want to check out more you can visit her blog here. Jenn also made Sterling's quirky and super cute boutonniere. Even better she has an Etsy shop (I know you are totally clicking over to her store right now :)

Sloan Photographers

Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers
Sloan Photographers

And my personal fave out of the dozens of perfect pictures? This black and white beauty below that I would totally adore as a canvas on my wall. Happy Friday everyone. Do something new, something that scares you a little :) What are your plans? xx

Sloan Photographers

22 Lovely Comments:

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

these are so cute, I love the lift ones!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

They are a cute couple. They DO need to sign on with a modeling agency. ;)

I am braving a photographer's studio this morning with the two girls. That could get very interesting. I'm only doing it b/c the $ goes towards a fundraiser....

Scientific Housewife said...

Adorable pictures. The bride looks almost identical to Janice from Friends :)

Jodi Kendall said...

wow - they really do need to be professional models!

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. Best of luck with landing that internship! Which magazine are you interested in? Feel free to email me questions if you have any (my contact info is on my blog). Happy friday! xo

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

you know what they say "great minds think alike?" :)

keely @ luxe + lillies said...

I have So Much Love for these photos! So much in fact that I have added it to my favorite posts of the week which will go up later today!

Wendy said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics and what a DARLING couple!

Jen said...

They aren't models?? Boy, they're pretty amazing! Such an adorable couple. Oh how I love LOVE!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Those pictures are ridiculously gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Oh, I am so jealous! Such beautiful photos. I LOVE wedding photos with an urban backdrop like these, SO unconventional!

Morgan@LittleHouseofVeggies said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashley said...

this is BY FAR my favorite photo shoot for weddings. i am book marking this immediately :)

tam said...

These are truly beautiful photos thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by x x

matt sloan said...

thanks so much for featuring our work. :) we feel honored!

ashlina {the decorista} said...

your blog is so gorgeous. agh! i love love love it! xo

Holly Lefevre said...

Gorgeous photos! Inventive and fun...totally captures the essence of love.

Katy ~ said...

Loooooong wistful sigh.....aaaawwwwww

Punctuation Mark said...

they look amazing and the images are fun and romantic at the same time!

The Girl said...

That DRESS!! To die for!

Unknown said...

Love, love the photos and her hair piece!

clearlytangled said...

what a talented photographer. i love these photos!

Anonymous said...


Her updo would be a great option for you, love!!
