The Grocery Store Dessert Table

A drool-worthy dessert bar in only $40.00? Believe it.

Bridal Scouts Dessert Table
Bridal Scouts Dessert Table
Bridal Scouts Dessert Table
Bridal Scouts Dessert Table

24 Lovely Comments:

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

am I too old to celebrate my bday like this??? so cute!

Chicago Chic said...

SO beautiful, I love your blog!


Staley Mc said...

This is so cute and for only 40 dollars? Thats awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love how bright and pastel these photos are! Such gorgeous displays.

Lauren said...

Ohhhh pretty!!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oooh so pretty!

Ashley said...

cuuuute! and very inspiring for my summer bridal shower!

Unknown said...

Ugh! Can I come and never leave this sweet place!?

Lou said...

Prettiness personified x

Heather said...

Oooo Thanks for the eye candy! Beautiful.

becca said...

You have the best style, and always choose such pretty pictures!

Blair McLeod said...

oh i need one of those sweet treats i spy!!

btw - i've got a new giveaway for some vintage glam! i hope you'll check it out

Closet full of hopes and dreams said...

I love your blog! Just found it through Punctuation Mark. I will follow you!

trishie said...

i want a dessert bar too!

_ffyona said...

I could eat off the whole dessert bar. No joke.

Wendy said...

so simple and pretty!

Anonymous said...

I'm hungry! You? ;)

xx said...

I love this "shower inspiration" I posted on it as well!

My Passport to Style said...

Hi I'm new here and loving the pastels in your post, so delicate and sherbety!Just to let you know I'm holding a sex in the city giveaway over at My Passport to Style for Sex in The City fans, in case you want to enter! Sharon xx

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Oh Rhi this is TOO COOL! Now I just need a fun occasion to make this happen! Beautiful new picture of you on your profile page. Hope you've had a wonderful week! I've missed you and can't wait to catch up on some of your older posts. BTW congrats again on the new blog domain. Hope you have something super fun planned for the weekend!! XOXO Just think, tomorrow it's officially 5 months until your BIG DAY!!! YAY!!

Brianna! said...

GORGEOUS and I love these colors.
They are my FAVORITES
Hope your weekend is LOVELY

Francis Family said...

I want the white frames!! so cute!

Elise / Pennyweight said...

this is amazing! how inspiring... new goal for this week, for sure! :)

April {April Foster Events} said...

This is so soft and pretty. I love it!