Finding Balance Between Blogging and Life {Part I}
I'm not the first to say it but running and maintaining a blog that works hand in hand with your business is one giant commitment. I know I know what you're thinking, "But Rhi, you should only blog because it's fun and what you love to do and it's strictly for the sake of personal fulfillment!" and let me scream it from the rooftops friends, I do love what I do and yes, blogging is certainly all about those above mentioned perks. It's just that when you are incredibly passionate about what you do and you have goals in mind and things your serious about accomplishing it can be a tinsey bit difficult to draw a line between work, blogging and life. Here are a few things I've started doing so I can add structure to my schedule and draw that fine line between work, blogging and my life as Rhi.

{Set Hours} One of the benefits of working from home is being able to roll out of bed and walk 15 feet to your desk. No work day commute, no need to get dolled up for the office; it's not a bad set up. Yet on some days I find it is incredibly easy to roll out of bed, slump on the couch, turn on TLC's hoarders marathon, and realize that come 6:00 pm I haven't even brushed my teeth. Um gross. Setting a work schedule regardless of where I work from, not only provides structure and meaning to my day, but gives me a deadline to get things dome. I try to be on my computer by 9:00 am and pending my work flow logged off by 5:00 pm. I will then check twitter, email and so forth again before bed in case something pressing has happened. By giving myself a normal work day schedule I hope to make room for other activities in my life; like a shower. Too much information? Maybe. But it happens.
{Set Priorities} I love commenting on other blogs, I love watching television, I love taking naps and I love doing other leisurely things that are carefree, fun and enjoyable. But if I did these things all day every day whenever I wanted, it's highly unlikely that there'd be any content on Hey Gorg leading to no job; and it's highly unlikely I'd have a happy husband or supportive friends. Set priorities. Commenting, tweeting to and about others, linking to other sites, getting out of the house, going to a yoga class, calling home to family, sending friends a card in the mail, snuggling up on the couch to watch a movie. All of these things are equally important and crucial to a well rounded life. The key is setting priorities and making sure these things are done at the appropriate time. Just like I urge you above, to set hours, within those hours set priorities that provide you with personal and professional fulfillment, satisfaction and success.
{PreBlog} This sounds a little nutty but I'd say a good half of the content on Hey Gorg is preblogged; meaning it's written days, if not weeks, before it goes live. If I get an idea for a post, or a submission that I absolutely love, I start formatting the post when I have a bit of free time so that when a day comes where I'm stumped for content all need to do is hit "publish." Since I'm dedicated to blogging at least once a day and on some occasions twice, preblogging has made my life a little less stressful and frantic for me. For blogs where spur of the moment content is what you're all about then preblogging doesn't make sense. For a blog like yours truly it absolutely does.
{You're Not Perfect} This one is a toughie for me. I thrive on the notion of perfection and bless my heart, have been medically diagnosed with a mild form of OCD. While it benefits things like my event styling work (and my closest and underwear drawer), in the grand scheme of things I am easily let down, frustrated and frazzled when things aren't up to my standards. At the end of the day which these days unfortunately is midnight and beyond, I too often measure my success on the comments I've scored, the tweets I've tweeted and the amount of e-mails I've successfully responded to and archived neatly in the appropriate folder. Once you're able to say "That's enough for the day" or "Or well the feedback for today's post wasn't what I expected" and you are able to move forward and embrace a new day, you can allow yourself to grow, learn and experience positive thoughts as opposed to thoughts of not meeting your potential. And remember, if someone comes across as being a master at doing it all, chances are they are missing something in their life whether it be personal time, a social agenda, a gym routine, an orderly home; or they can afford to pay for an assistant. No one is perfect.
43 Lovely Comments:
thank you so much for sharing about your life. this stuff is seriously helpful.
nearly all of my content is blogged previously and set up to post the next week(s). it's the easiest way i think. i'm trying to get ahead now so i have contact the week of and after my wedding.
It's so crucial to find a work/life balance! Even when you work at home it can be taxing to try to do it all in one day! Try adding a baby to the mix! It's so true that you really have to set hours and yes, pre-blog so that you can hit your own personal deadlines and maintain a sense of life balance. There really are so many things in real life that you can easily miss out on if you're glued to the computer. I for one know all about that! And yes, no one is perfect. But gosh we try to strive to be! And unfortunately we can't change that about ourselves, we're wired to be that way. But yes, just knowing that we aren't perfect helps with the pressures we ultimately put on ourselves. Love this post!
I also have trouble finding balance between blogging and life. It's kind of embarrassing to admit! I find myself staring at my computer for hours working on my own blog, then looking at other blogs. Yikes! I am still working on trying to find the balance because it is so easy for me to spend too much time blogging.
PS - That is so exciting that you will soon have your own office!
SO great. I need to bookmark this! I have had the HARDEST time prioritizing blogging in my everyday life.
I realllly love to blog, but lately I have just been overwhelmed with life and felt like..."there are a thousand trillion people out there blogging life/food/wedding planning every day and MUCH better than I can, so why bother"...but I know how much it means to ME to put it out there! Thanks for writing about how you balance it all :)
This is so true! Thank you for posting this. I am right there with you and I have two babies! Somedays I never get out of my pjs! I've found that preblogging is great and I also try to log off around 5 but it's so hard if the babies were cranky or didn't nap I have to work at night to catch up then the hubby feel neglected!! AH!!! c'est la vie :)
I can't wait till you get your office! It's going to be so pretty like your house! and this post was just what I needed especially the Perfect one. I always get a little upset at some certain things, but you're right. If someone can "do it all" then they really are probably missing something in their life!
I also have trouble finding balance, and I actually started doing some of these tips like pre-blogging and trying to keep to a schedule, and it definitely seems to be helping...
can't wait to hear your other tips...
I think you may be a bit psychic as well! I was seriously just saying that I had no idea how much time and effort went into just keeping a blog! I actually had to restrict my time on the computer yesterday so other things could get done.I can't even imagine what it would be like to add a business in the mix.
I agree this balance is very hard to achive. I love working at home but have a hard time with the balance. I do love my skype meetings in my PJ bottoms and nice top and make up he he he
Rhi, Rhi, Rhi. Oh how I love you to pieces. :) You've no idea how many times a week I swear reindeer sweatpants and forget to brush my hair as I get caught up going directly to my "office" at home. Note to self...must preblog. ...except I have nothing to preblog! Gahhhh
Rhi, I am the same way about my blog. I pre-blog most of my stuff one, two, or three weeks in advance. Sometimes a new topic my pop up that allows me to squeeze it in early if there is not a lot of content involved.
I even have some other ideas (coughanewblogcough) up my sleeve ready and waiting to be unveiled. Hopefully soon!
Agreed. Although I don't have a business, blogging is very time consuming and like having a whole other set of friends. I love each and one of my online friends and try really hard to put "life" first. Especially my Husband who tells me "you don't HAVE to blog you know". But its rewarding and a creative outlet. So I continue.
i am both impressed, and admire your dedication this worl. your a one in a million bfffff.
Hi Rhi - wow - pre-blogging, I so have to get into that. I do have this sorta weekly thing where I gather pictures all week to publish for 'things of beauty' on a Friday. I don't know whether anyone actually expects their Friday to have things of beauty in it but for me it's a necessity. Consider it like a download for the week.
I do struggle with the blogging/life balance - actually more like work/kids/husband/work again/blogging/life balance. At one point Boo started to say 'are you blogging again Mummy?' in a way that made me realise I was doing it too much. Sometimes you have to get reminded. But it is lovely - just so time consuming. Such a shame you live so far away or we could chat over lattes... Lou x
the hardest thing for me, lately, is getting up at a decent time. i suffer from insomnia, take sleeping pills and sometimes it still doesn't help. my mind just doesn't shut off. so, in turn i'm up until 4 and sleep until 11. or, i'm up until 4 and wake up at 8 and then sleep the entire next day. it's horrible. i'm trying to figure out a better routine, but right now i'm just thankful i work from home so i can work in my pjs or get on the treadmill whenever i want. sometimes on friday nights i enjoy working. thanks for this post. it always helps to put things into perspective!
What a lovely work space! We just moved so I need to get mine together and going. It's a mess right now! Your living room mirror... looks just like the one we have. We set it up in the corner as well. Needed to fill in a space between 2 large sofas.
Anyway, thanks for entering my giveaway. And good luck with finding the balance. I've find it hard at times trying to balance working from home, new baby, new home, and blogging all in the same day. You eventually figure something out. :)
Rope Bracelet GIVEAWAY!
I STILL havent found it!!! :(
I love to read these kind of post! They give me Hope :)
Love ya Girly!!
i loved reading this hon, I think you have so many good tips. I definitely need to prioritize...I get everything off the computer done in the morning before I get on!
Thanks for sharing this post. I find it hard to balance all that I have on my plate and I get down on myself when there is a day that I can't get to the blog or post something. It's all pressure I put on myself but days that I'm particularly overwhelmed I stress myself out even more when I know I won't be able to get to my blog. I agree with all the things that you have laid out and wish I could live those practices daily.
Hattitude Artistic Style Blog
best advice. It's so important to set priorities and setting hours is key! i even time myself with an alarm to allot a certain amount of time to an item to work on!
Talk soon wild child
Hattitude Artistic Style Blog
"Yet on some days I find it is incredibly easy to roll out of bed, slump on the couch, turn on TLC's hoarders marathon, and realize that come 6:00 pm I haven't even brushed my teeth." - minus the hoarders, i am so with you on this. :)
This is such a great post and I look forward to reading the next parts in this series. This is something I'm starting to have to figure out. I do pre-blog (I usually have 2 months planned and at least a week of scheduled posts ready to go.) I find that my biggest issue is scheduling my time. You mentioned turning on the tv and not brushing your teeth, I laughed because I have done that! Too many shows gathering on my DVR, so I get distracted. I'm excited to see more of your tips! :)
love this!!! its so hard to keep a balance - and i just love a peek into your daily life! (and i love your decor!!!) xo
Rhi, these are such great tips not just for bloggers, but for everyone in their everyday lives! You really nailed it on this one. Can't wait to read part 2!
Have a great night love!! :)
Rhiannon you always are so organized and I love that! I'm a huge blog on the spot person, but it leads to my random craziness:-) I try to pre blog at times, but have only done it like twice lol.
For me right now it is soooo hard to find balance! I work a full time job, have 2 blogs, am still doing my craft business, and am going full force into wedding planning. It's NUTS! Lol but I do hope to eventually be able to quit my day job soooon!
Can't wait to see your office, I bet it'll be gorgeous:-)
Rhiannon you always are so organized and I love that! I'm a huge blog on the spot person, but it leads to my random craziness:-) I try to pre blog at times, but have only done it like twice lol.
For me right now it is soooo hard to find balance! I work a full time job, have 2 blogs, am still doing my craft business, and am going full force into wedding planning. It's NUTS! Lol but I do hope to eventually be able to quit my day job soooon!
Can't wait to see your office, I bet it'll be gorgeous:-)
Great tips, Rhi!! When I first "really" got into blogging a few months back, I was having trouble balancing that and life. I was spending TOO much time blogging. I definitely got frustrated if I was behind or not "perfect." Thanks so much for sharing these!!
I loved this post and have been struggling with similar issues lately. I was finding that I could easily spend the entire day online and would easily neglect my husband or other things. When your computer is so accessible it is difficult to set away! I have started scheduling my posts for the week or at least a few days in advance to give me more time for other things and have started limiting my time online on the weekends. My day job isn't wedding related and I find myself neglecting that also to blog, tweet, comment, and browse inspiration. What was once a hobby is more like a job now, and I have to start setting hours and priorities as well!
Your timing on this post is really well timed. I feel overwhelmed at times and always try to think of the next perfect post! It can be exhausting! Balance is key...thanks so much for encouragement!
Rhiannon... You make me laugh! I love reading what you leave for us daily! As a part-time blogger, I think pre-blogging is the best! I try to do this and usually I feel like when I do this, I've given the posts the actual time and effort needed to make them the best they can be. When I blog daily, I feel rushed and often that the content isn't up to par.
Running multiple things at a time though can be overwhelming so prioritizing, setting scheduled time aside, and saving posts whenever you come up with ideas is a must!
I have a home office, but don't use it. My husband does. I prefer the couch or bed even with my laptop on my lap! Thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness - I NEEDED to hear all this, thank you so much for the inspiration :)
Loved this quote so much that I put it on my facebook inspiring quotes section.... Thanks Rhi!!
"If someone comes across as being a master at doing it all, chances are they are missing something in their life whether it be personal time, a social agenda, a gym routine, an orderly home, etc. No one is perfect." - Rhi
Rhi, my mom would love these shots of your space. She's a professional organizer and would be so impressed AND inspired.
I know what you mean about working from home. I don't do it often, but when I do, I love it BUT I also can get carried away with what's on Oprah etc.
Thanks for tips! And clearly if you've been watching my blog this week, I've been too busy for even a single post! My goal on Sunday is to write 3 or 4 blogs and schedule them to post over the next week.
love ya!
Thanks for be so open and honest Rhi. I find it so hard to keep the motivation going when working at home by myself that sometimes I feel the need to scream! Without someone sitting at the desk beside you it's easy to get into some online shopping, cleaning the house, or just playing with my boys (3 kitten brothers with adopted from the SPCA). I have such highs and lows sometimes from one hour to the next I wonder if everything is okay in my brain! lol. I can accomplish more in one day than some people can in a week or I can accomplish nothing. I find I work best under pressure and have to keep my business rolling along well enough to always have something to do otherwise I'll get stuck in spiral of downtime in business and home life. Thanks again for bearing all. It's nice to know others out there have the same struggles.
I want to give you a giant bear hug for this.
Not only is having a real life super important, it gives you stuff to blog/twitter about, without which you'd be incredibly dull. It drives me crazy to see friends constantly "checking in" on FourSquare, when they're missing how much fun we're having right this minute!
I'm glad someone else came out and said, I blog in advance. I actually put whole weeks together, so that everything feels seamless and related, and it makes me feel like less of a crazy person if I sleep in.
AND, I love that you have a mild case of OCD-my mother was horrified to discover that all my underwear lives in individual plastic baggies, but delighted when she realized how easy it was to track down a pair of black Hanky Pankys. It doesn't make it easy to do creative things sometimes, but it's pretty damn fantastic even if it isn't perfect.
Fantastic post Rhi (can I call you Rhi?? :-) Spot on with every point. Like you I run a wedding based business so trying to find the balance between that and blogging (which I love but doesn't pay the mortgage) is always a challenge. Ideally I'd have half a day a week to do all my posts and preschedule them in but I'm never that far enough ahead of the game! When I am.. it's such a great feeling. I'm definitely NOT good at setting hours and every night after dinner end up back here at my desk (it's either that or sports on TV though :-) Look forward to Part II
Great tips, girlfriend! I second you on the setting hours! I also love writing posts before they go live, too! It's a great way to stay organized!
Wow such a good post! I really need to get better on pre-blogging... I don't keep up with that, but write my ideas down. Great tips! And glad to know I'm not the only one attempting to find balance :) Congrats again on your wedding last night!
So many things in life hinge on finding the right balance, which is always so hard. Thanks for your insights.
It is all about balance isn't it! I tend to blog 3 times a week ~ Wed I do a wordless Wed post which I can put together over the week-end ~ that basically gives me an entire week to just read and look for my weekly inspiration pictures for my Friday post. This is what works for me and it is a good balance. I will be the first to admit that I spend way to much time on the computer and need to find time for me. Today is one of those days and I hope I do not feel guilty about it later! Happy Sunday. xo
PS: loved the mason jars you did earlier this week.
loved reading this Rhi! it is so hard to find a balance, even just blogging for myself/for I can imagine what it's like when it is part of your job! great tips :)
I can compeletely relate with your comment about always expecting perfection from oneself but as you said balance is the key! I love the decor in your bedroom it's gorg!
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